Quieten the inner chatter and practise teaching
Mindfulness- 5 days

This silent, teacher-led retreat gives you the rare opportunity to immerse yourself in dedicated meditation practice and to really experience the beauty, nourishment and insight of mindfulness.  The retreat follows the traditional schedule of sitting and walking meditations for exploring four foundations of mindfulness  and loving kindness.  You will be supported in the steady development of equanimity and presence through guided meditations, talks, question-and-answer periods, practice, and interviews with the teacher.

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Learn to dance the tango of leadership and
followship- 5 days

If you want to be a mindful and inspired leader, and you enjoy learning in an exciting, innovative and mindful way, you will enjoy this retreat. This is a fun approach to engaging in what it means to lead yourself in your own life, and in leadership roles, professional practice, in all your relationships.  We recommend this retreat for individuals who want to learn new skills, and also for teams to attend for a unique, refreshing team-building activity to help your organisation function effectively and flourish. No dance or tango skills required!

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10-day intensive: Meeting challenge mindfully
- New Zealand

This 10-day retreat is a chance to develop, deepen and extend your experience and understanding of mindfulness outside of Australia. Enjoy combining your mindfulness, relationship and leadership skills as you engage in some adventure, team work, and silent meditation. Enrich, integrate and become fluid with traditional mindfulness concepts, and applied mindfulness skills, and with the opportunity to teach, manage challenges, communicate in complex situations, lead people and build community.

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We are here to help
On-site courses and retreats:  All three, Level 1, 3-day intensive courses are scheduled in Adelaide on-site in October.
Online courses:  start in June.
In-House training: We can attend  your organisation online or on-site or both, to present any of our regular courses, and or a customised training.
To discuss how we can help call 08 8272 0046 or send us an email.
To be kept up to date sign up to our updates newsletter.