CPD for Occupational Therapists
This summary outlines CPD activities that allow the requirements of the Occupational Board of Australia to be met. The standards discussed are in accordance with the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Act.
CPD Cycle
The CPD cycle runs for 12-months.
CPD Requirements
All practicing and registered OT’s are required to complete a minimum of 20 hours of CPD activities annually. Practitioners are required to declare compliance with the CPD Standard at each annual registration renewed. Of these 20 hours CPD:
The CPD standard requires you to complete at least 5 hours of interactive CPD activities, as there is evidence that this facilitates learning, and maintains connections between practitioners and contemporary practice. Interactive CPD include any face-to-face education in person or through technologies.
The CPD standard requires you to plan and record your learning goal and the activities you will do to meet these goals, and record a reflection on how these CPD activities have improved your practice.
CPD Approval
The Board does not approve CPD training or education providers to deliver CPD activities. Approving providers to deliver CPD restricts consumer choice and may be perceived as suggesting one provider has a commercial advantage over another, discouraging OT’s from selecting from the full range of training options relevant to their specific professional practice. It is the nature of the activity that determines it being CPD, not the provider, site or time at which it is undertaken. Each OT may choose how they wish to accumulate their minimum of 20 hours CPD from a mix of activities.
CPD Activities
All CPD that assists in developing your confidence in your scope of practice, maintaining competence and staying up to date will meet the standard. Activities include, but are not limited to:
Attending training courses, or tertiary courses leading to a post-graduate award and/or assessment or certificate of achievement.
Completing work-based learning contracts or other assessed activities.
Attending/completing conferences, forums, workshops, seminars, in-service education programs and journal clubs.
Undertaking research and presentation of work – referenced and evidence based.
Professional information exchanges at meetings.
Completing private study, internet researching, teaching or participating online learning.
Participating in a community of practice.
Reflective journalism involving reflection and writing with focus in developing competence and quality of practice.
Receiving supervision provided written records are maintained.
Reflective journalism involving reflection and writing with focus in developing competence and quality of practice.
Receiving supervision provided written records are maintained.
Completing activities to improve quality or reduce rick in practice, involving evaluation and reporting.
Participating in clinical audit or similar review activity.
Supervising undergraduate or post-graduate OT students.
Participating in interest groups, committees, groups, boards etc with health or professional issues.
Presenting in-service or training to health professionals or carers.
CPD Documentation
A CPD record must be kept to document details of activities completed, as well as a CPD portfolio with evidence of completed CPD activities. This evidence must be retained for 5 years. Occupational Therapists will be required to sign a declaration of compliance with the Boards Standard each time registration is renewed. Evidence of CPD activities does not need to be submitted every year, however if chosen for a periodic random audit, CPD records and portfolio of evidence must be produced.
1. CPD record for each year of activity should include:
Learning goals and outcomes of CPD.
Details of CPD activity (date, activity time, provider or participants/resources) for each of the CPD categories.
The contribution of that activity to your goal to enhancing your competence in OT, and a brief summary of implications for practice.
2. CPD portfolio. Examples of evidence for the portfolio include:
Certificates or awards for courses completed.
Certificates of attendance for conferences or workshops.
Descriptions or notes of self directed learning activities completed.
Copies of literature reviews, case studies, journal club notes, reflective journal entries etc.
For more information about these CPD guidelines click here.
Date of Issue: 1st December 2019
Last reviewed: 2nd April 2020
These guidelines will be reviewed every 3 years.